Controller and Accountant General’s Department (CAGD) introduced the GoGPayslip in October 2013 to improve the payroll for better service delivery.
The CAGD E-Payslip system is designed for the Government of Ghana (GoG) staff to have easy access to their payslip. This means your payslip is accessible from anywhere around the world.
Once you have an internet connection, you can check your GogPayslip on your phone or laptop.
The introduction of the E-Payslip has led to a faster, improved, and faster way to access payment information.
These are some of the benefits of using the E-Payslip:
The requirements to register for GogPayslip are:
Here are the steps you need to follow to successfully register for your GoGPayslip account:
Note: GoG EPayslip website does not have any option to Agree or Disagree with their terms and conditions.
As soon as you provide your details and click “Register,” you agree with the terms and conditions.
Here is the detailed information for you to log in to your E-payslip account:
After logging in to your account, CAGD usually shows you a survey. Here is how it reads:
Dear GoG Employee,
You are receiving this invitation to take the survey because you are a GoG employee and use the system. We would like you to take this survey so we can provide a better experience using the system. This should take approximately 5 minutes. Thank you.
Sincerely, E-payslip Team.
This is always optional, and you have a button at the top-right of the page to opt out.
If you wish to take part in the survey, select the options based on your experience with the E-Payslip system and submit your answers.
Here are some of the options for gogpayslip users:
The Controller and Accountant General’s Department has made it possible for government workers to change their associations on the E-payslip system.
This is good news since no one can be forced into an association. For example, Teachers and Nurses who are wrongfully added to associations without their consent can exit those groups on the E-payslip system.
If you detect a wrongful deduction due to an association you have joined, and you wish to leave that group, follow these steps:
Note: If you are new to the GoG system or you don’t have any association then this error message will be thrown at you when you select Change of Association
Follow these steps if you want to check your gogpayslip:
However, if you don’t have an active account, you will be sent to the current month but with an error message like:
No payslip for the selected month and year above. Try again with different month or year.
You can save or print a copy of your Payslip by selecting the save icon to save a copy or the print icon to print a copy. These icons are located at the top-left side of each payslip.
There are instances where the system will make a wrongful deduction to your account.
Use this platform to report all wrongful, unauthorized, and over-deductions.
Enter details below:
This program introduces a highly secured card embedded with Chip and PIN and hosted on VISA and MasterCard platforms.
This will be issued to all employees on the Government of Ghana’s mechanized payroll bearing their Biometric and Payroll details.
For you to request a GoG Staff Card, you will need a passport picture with a white background, of a size not more than 3MB. Note that your picture has to be in .jpg extension.
When you have all the requirements, click on “REQUEST” below and follow the instructions.
If you no longer want to use your current phone number, you can change it right in the GoG E-Payslip system. Just sign in to your account >> Select “ Change My Number “ >> Enter and confirm your new phone number.
For those of you who have forgotten your password don’t worry. You can recover it by visiting and selecting “forgot your password” next to the “ Sign In “ button.
After that, you will need to enter your E-Payslip employee number and either the mobile number or email address you used for the registration.
After providing this information, click on “Submit” to reset your password. You will receive a new password in either the mobile number or email address you provided.
Login to your account with that but remember to change the password after you log in.